See thePointerCancel companion object
final case class PointerCancel(position: Point, buttons: Batch[MouseButton], isAltKeyDown: Boolean, isCtrlKeyDown: Boolean, isMetaKeyDown: Boolean, isShiftKeyDown: Boolean, movementPosition: Point, pointerId: PointerId, width: Int, height: Int, pressure: Double, tangentialPressure: Double, tiltX: Radians, tiltY: Radians, twist: Radians, pointerType: PointerType, isPrimary: Boolean) extends PointerEvent
The ongoing interactions was cancelled due to:
- the pointer device being disconnected
- device orientation change
- palm rejection
- the browser taking over the manipulations like scroll, drag & drop, pinch & zoom or other
- Companion
- object
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait PointerEventtrait MouseOrPointerEventtrait InputEventtrait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait GlobalEventclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
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