An FP game engine for Scala.

Input Fields

Input fields are text boxes that all users to type values into them. As with button, you need to provide some assets, specifically font information and a graphic to use as the cursor while a user is inputing values. Indigo's input field is quite basic, but input fields are a bit fiddly to implement. Hopefully it will either save someone some time or be useful as a reference to someone who'd like to do make something more sophisticated.

Setting up an input field is as simple as adding something like this to your view model:

import indigo.*
import indigo.platform.assets.DynamicText
import indigo.shared.AnimationsRegister
import indigo.shared.FontRegister
val boundaryLocator = new BoundaryLocator(new AnimationsRegister, new FontRegister, new DynamicText)
val context = new FrameContext(, Dice.fromSeed(1l), InputState.default, boundaryLocator, ())
import indigo.*
import indigoextras.ui.*

// Placeholder values
val assets = 
    text = Text("", FontKey("my font"), Material.Bitmap(AssetName("my font sheet"))),
    cursor = Graphic(10, 5, Material.Bitmap(AssetName("cursor")))

val inputField =
  InputField("<Default text>", assets)
    .moveTo(Point(10, 10))

Then updating it in the view model:

final case class AnotherViewModel(myInputField: InputField)
val anotherViewModel = AnotherViewModel(inputField)


...and drawing it:

anotherViewModel.myInputField.draw(context.gameTime, context.boundaryLocator)

Input fields will also emit an InputFieldChange event when the text they hold is altered by a user. They can also send custom events on focus / focus loss.

The full input field example is in the indigo-examples repo.