UI Components: Component Group
Component groups and component lists are containers for other components. The difference between the two is that a component group is a known collection of components that can be dynamically sized; while a component list is a dynamic collection of components with more limited layout options.
Using component groups and lists, component UI system provides out of the box functionality for standard requirements like re-flowing / responsively positioned UI elements. Indigo's UI system is not as clever as using something like HTML, but should satisfy many common use cases.
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How to set up a component group
Before we do anything else, we'll need some additional imports:
import indigoextras.ui.*
import indigoextras.ui.syntax.*
And until issue #814 is resolved, we'll also need this import for convenience:
import indigo.shared.subsystems.SubSystemContext.*
Defining some custom components
We're going to need a couple of components to go in our component group. We'll define a button and a label.
To keep the code nice and tidy, we'll define our custom button in a separate object.
The button essentially only has a few elements to it:
- A reference type - unused here, so set to Unit. The reference data can be anything you like, and allows you to pass values down through the component hierarchy for reference during update or interaction.
- A set of bounds - the size of the button.
- Presentation functions - define how the button looks in different states. The normal state is required as part of the button definition, but over and down are optional.
- Actions - what happens when the button is clicked, pressed, or released. In this example, we just emit an event telling Indigo to log a message to the console (handling during model update).
To render the button, we're just using shapes, but you could use sprites, text, or anything else you can think of.
object CustomComponents:
val customButton: Button[Unit] =
Button[Unit](Bounds(32, 32)) { (coords, bounds, _) =>
Stroke(1, RGBA.Magenta)
.presentDown { (coords, bounds, _) =>
Stroke(1, RGBA.Cyan)
.presentOver((coords, bounds, _) =>
Stroke(1, RGBA.Yellow)
.onClick(Log("Button clicked"))
.onPress(Log("Button pressed"))
.onRelease(Log("Button released"))
val customLabel: Label[Unit] =
"Another label",
(_, label) => Bounds(0, 0, 150, 12)
) { case (offset, label, dimensions) =>
Setting up the Model
The model contains the component group. Component groups define collections of components, and how they should be laid out. They have various options that affect their layout behaviour, such as using a fixed, or inherited size. They can also apply padding and information about what to do if the content overflows the size of the group.
Here we initialise our model with the component group, and add our custom button to it. Note
that anything can be added as a component, as long as a Component
instance exists for it.
final case class Model(components: ComponentGroup[Unit])
object Model:
val initial: Model =
ComponentGroup(BoundsMode.fixed(200, 300))
.withLayout(ComponentLayout.Horizontal(Padding(10), Overflow.Wrap))
Updating the Model
We do two things here, first we handle the logging of messages when the button is clicked - nothing fancy. Then we pass all other events to the component group to handle in case it's interested.
One thing to note is that we need to construct a UIContext
to pass to the component group.
This is important, if a little cumbersome.
The UIContext
holds any custom reference data we might like to propagate down through the
component hierarchy, but also information about the grid size the UI is operating on (normally
1x1, this feature is really for use cases like ASCII / terminal UIs) and the magnification of
the UI.
The UIContext
also provides the top level position of the component hierarchy, so to move
the group and so the button to a new position, we need to tell the UIContext
to move the
bounds by the desired amount using moveBoundsBy
def updateModel(context: Context[Unit], model: Model): GlobalEvent => Outcome[Model] =
case Log(message) =>
case e =>
val ctx = UIContext(context.forSubSystems, Size(1), 1).moveBoundsBy(Coords(50, 50))
model.components.update(ctx)(e).map { cl =>
model.copy(components = cl)
Presenting the component group
The component groups knows how to render everything, we just need to call the present
with, once again, and instance of UIContext, and provide the results to a SceneUpdateFragment.
def present(context: Context[Unit], model: Model): Outcome[SceneUpdateFragment] =
val ctx = UIContext(context.forSubSystems, Size(1), 1).moveBoundsBy(Coords(50, 50))
.map(l => SceneUpdateFragment(l))